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Canada is the country where immigrants matter.
Canadian government has always been known for extensive immigration programs giving the abilities for skilled professionals to establish themselves in the country. The Immigration Level Plans for 2021-2023 released on the 30th of October, 2020 is setting the targets at almost 1,5 million of new immigrants, which is higher than ever before!

The Government is continuing that ambition by setting targets in the new levels plan of 465,000 permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025. The plan also brings an increased focus on attracting newcomers to different regions of the country, including small towns and rural communities.
Why does Canada need immigrants?
It has been proved that immigrants boost Canadian economy. They open businesses and create jobs, they work and develop essential industries such as health care, IT, construction, farming to name a few. Last but not lease, they make Canada the way it is – multicultural, diverse, economically strong and simply the best country in the world.
There is really no better time than now.
Canada is known as a country of growth, stability, security and diversity. Immigration level plans for the next 3 years are aiming to bring over 1,5 million new immigrants to our country. You can be one of them. With the variety of economic programs there will be one for you and your family.
Express Entry system is the way to go for most applicant who demonstrate high proficiency in one of official languages, higher education and Canadian or Foreign Work experience . It is mutually beneficial system as it defines the candidates who are most likely to become economically established in Canada and at the same time it provides fast track pass to become permanent residents of Canada in under 6-month time for those who qualify. Recently we see the processing time for Canadian Experience Class being 3-4 month. Where do you start? Schedule a consultation to check if you qualify.
Provincial nominee program (PNP) are special programs run by provinces and territories of Canada to select qualified immigrants who meet the selection criteria and are willing to settle in the selected province. These programs are designed to assist provinces in defining and selecting the potential qualified individuals depending on the province needs. The PNP "steams' might be specifically targeted on students, entrepreneurs, skilled workers or others. Usually PNPs is the best option for those who cannot get required CRS score due to age, education or work experience under Express Entry. Remember: most PNPs are based on the job offer from qualified employer in specific province.
Entrepreneurs do not only bring bright minds to Canada, they create jobs, pay taxes, provide services or sell products and in general contribute to the development of Canada and Canadian economy. Canada provides a unique opportunity for start up to become permanent residents of Canada through the Start-up visa.
The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates who want to work and live in one of Canada’s 4 Atlantic Provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island. This is an employer-driven program designed to help employers in Atlantic Canada hire qualified candidates for jobs they have been unable to fill locally.
To immigrate to Atlantic Canada through the pilot, you must be a recent graduate of a publicly funded institution in Atlantic Canada or a skilled worker who meets the program requirements and you could be applying from Canada or abroad. Barbican team specialises in AIP and would be glad to assist you with your case.
People who would not normally be eligible to become permanent residents of Canada may be able to apply on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Humanitarian and compassionate grounds apply to people with exceptional cases.
Чому “гуманітарна” программа не підходить більшості українців, які тікають від війни?
По суті H&C не є окремою програмою імміграції, а просто застосування винятку в нестандартних ситуаціях. Ця можливість існує спеціально для осіб, які вже перебувають у Канаді, які інакше не підпадають під будь-яку існуючу імміграційну програму та які не можуть виконати вимогу щодо подання заявки за межами Канади. В той же час, аплікант повинен довести що він не може виконати ці умови зараз і в майбутньому і що ці умови будуть незмінними незважаючи на зміну політично-економічних обставин (наприклад, закінчення війни).
Але, є певні специфічні обставини, які саме можуть дати можливість вам податися на цю програму. Це можуть бути дуже міцні сімейні, соціально-економічні, та громадсці звязки з Канадою, для прикладу.
Being a community driven program, it opens up a variety of opportunities for skilled workers to permanently immigrate to Canada. 11 participating communities mainly located in Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba open their door for those who can genuinely contribute to community development and settle permanently. Most importantly you will be benefit from community driven settlement services upon arrival making you feel more welcome than ever.
Love farming and looking for ways to immigrate to Canada through the agricultural sector?
Canada is running an Agri-Food pilot to meet the needs of Canadian farmers and to deal with labour shortage. Each year 2750 applications are being accepted along with their families. One of the main requirements is LMIA based work permit for qualified employer in specific industry.
After the Supreme Court limited women's access to abortion, many people were furious and afraid in the United States, and many American citizens thought about leaving the country. Canada might be an appealing alternative for these individuals because the number of American immigrants in the country has increased dramatically since Trump took office, except for his third year in office.
The number of American immigrants in Canada has increased by 42% since 2015. The growth rate is even higher for American citizens under the age of 35. From 2015 to prior to the pandemic, 46,960 American citizens became Canadian permanent residents.